I've been talking about cutting my hair for, oh, six months? I keep mentioning it and thinking "Oh, I'll get around to it." I've known what I wanted my hair to look like, I just haven't actually done anything about it.
And then I did.
Yes, that's right. I finally cut my hair, and I didn't pull any punches when I did either.
Best part? I absolutely love it.
I know you can't see too well in the picture (flash messed it up), but it's really short, and it flares out all cute (if I style it appropriately, of course). I think my straightener is finally going to get some mileage on it.
Other things that I'm working on, and I guess this is the perfect time of year for it, are a Happiness Project, and being more organized.
I've simply come to the conclusion that I'm sick of tired of being sick and tired. And so far doctors, in their various forms, have been mostly unable to help me out. So, I'm going to try to take my happiness (or unhappiness) into my own hands, and see if I can't start to feel better about the world.
I have a whiteboard, which I've been referring to as my Scrum Board (Tene gave me the name). It's basically an interactive to-do list. I use post-it notes to symbolise tasks, and they get moved from the "To Do" Column to the "In Progress" Column as I begin working on them, and then go into the "Completed" box once I'm done. I also have a section for things that I'm not quite ready to start on, but that I need to look in to (my "Planning" section). So far it's been really helpful, and I think it will only become more so as I get into the habit of using it. I admit: It doesn't hurt that the post-it notes are all different colors.
I bought myself a sewing machine. I've yet to even unpack it, but I finally did buy one. Now I'm working on making some space in my workroom for it.
I wanted make sure to thank those of our family who sent Tene and I such nice gifts. My dad and stepmom got him some interesting books, and got me some nice photography equipment (which should come in handy soon as I start to take something from the planning stage to the implementation stage). We got some nice dishes from Tene's older sister, and I hope his younger sister and her family enjoys the books we sent (a phonecall from her points to "Yes"). Tene's mother and grandparents also sent us some things, as did my mom and stepdad. So thank you all!
The last big thing is that I'm going to upgrade the cage the girls are in. Having helped a little with the North Star Rescue, I've been able to see the Ferret Nation cages in use - and I must say I'm really happy about them. So, I've decided to get one for myself. Well, almost. The Ferret Nation cages are made, as the name implies, for ferrets. The bars are wider spaced apart than is entirely comfortable, is the main problem I've been able to find. A lot of people at the animal forum I frequent (and the people at the rescue) have discussed wrapping the cages with hardware cloth. I've decided that unless I can find a really inexpensive Ferret Nation cage, I'll instead get the more rattie appropriate Critter Nation cage.
I'm also pretty set on adopting two new girls from the San Jose hoarding case. I know they'll come with their own set of health problems - but I can at least give a good, safe home to two more girls.