Monday, February 14, 2011

Tonight's Dinner and Some Other Adventures

I'm hoping to start posting daily about the food I'm making for Tene and I every day. Tonight's Dinner: Steamed Artichokes, Slow-Cooker "Rotisserie" Chicken, and Baked Sweet Potatoes and Onions.

I'm quite pleased with tonight's dinner. It was filling, because I cooked a whole chicken (a bit more on that later) it has leftovers, and it was quite tasty. I'm still figuring out how to cook the sweet potatoes so that they're soft all the way through, though (they were less undercooked than the last time I made this dish).

This was also a paleo/primal dinner, which means it fit with our health goals.

I'm slowly becoming more and more accustomed to working with raw meat - particularly chicken - and specifically I'm finding it easier to work with whole poultry. Still gross, but I don't find myself hating every minute. This is a big change from making a turkey on Thanksgiving. Maybe it's in part because chicken are a lot smaller than turkey, so there was less to be grossed out by.

In other news, we're doing pretty well. Most of the news around here comes from me, in fact.

My jaw has been hurting pretty badly the last while, and has been getting increasingly worse. I'm taking the highest daily dosage allowed of naproxen sodium, which is barely helping. I went to a TMJ specialist two weeks ago, though, and he gave me an Aqualizer as a sort of diagnostic tool. Unfortunately the pain has only increased since then. I go back in tomorrow and hopefully my X-rays from a few years ago in Salt Lake will be there, and maybe we can discuss some other options of what might be causing this pain.

I also have been dealing with a cold this last week. Coughing, feeling generally down, stuffy nose, all of that. I was improving, but yesterday and today I woke up feeling worse. I'm not sure if I'm actually getting worse or not, though, and I feel (mostly) fine now.

I've fixed my laptop back up from it's Christmas misadventure - for the most part. On Christmas day I accidentally spilled hot chocolate all over my laptop keyboard (and my self, and my bed). Fortunately I acted quickly enough to save my laptop and there's not damage to the information or casing or hardware. Except for the keyboard. Even after a very thorough cleaning, some of the keys still stick. Hopefully my new keyboard will be here in a day or two, though, and all will be well.

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