Not much has been happening in our lives lately, things have been pretty quiet.
But my plants are growing! So I figured I would share them with you!
Sweet peas! |
This is my second try at sweet peas, the first batch blossomed a tiny bit and then died. The soil they were in was seriously lacking nutrients, and they were thin and really weak vines.
This batch, on the other hand, looks great! They're a good healthy green color, the stems are thick and they're growing well :)
Next on my list are my hanging pots.
Sweet peas and morning glory |
I got these off of Amazon and I really like them. They're kind of chintzy, but they're cute, they were cheap, and I'm not too worried about them breaking or anything. I have more sweet peas growing in two of them (sweet peas grow
fast, I never really noticed before) and morning glory in the other two. My thought, since those are both vine/climbing plants, is that they'll climb down, instead of up, making a cute vine-trail that spills out of the pots and such.
I'm really considering buying a second set of those pots, maybe hanging them on the other side of the balcony ...
After those is my poor basil plant
Mr Cecil Basil, the strongest of basil plants |
I somehow ended up killing most of the basil plants I bought, no idea how. But I have one stem left. You can see the wilted, dead basil in there too. I have no idea how I ended up being a murderer of basil. I took care of all of the plants I got exactly the same, so I don't know how one branch of them survived while the others all died off.
Bellflowers |
Then I have these bellflowers that I got from Trader Joe's on a whim. Most of the flowers have died off (I kept them in their original pot too long, I think, and they wilted - but they're coming back, see?) but they seem to be reinvigorated by a slightly larger pot with some fertilizer. Slowly they're becoming more green than dead, and they're blooming again too!
After the bellflowers come my three pots of mystery plants.
What's growing? |
I bought some (horribly overpriced)
seed bombs from Anthropologie a while ago, and I finally decided to plant them. I had bought two bags of the West Coast flowers (
West Coast: includes cornflower, Shasta daisy, farewell-to-spring, garland chrysanthemum, Sweet William, mountain phlox and California poppy) and one of the herbs (
Herbs: includes, basil, dill, cilantro, chives and parsely).
Who knows? |
I pretty much just crumbled up the "bombs" of two of the bags (herbs and one of the West Coast bags) and layered them in the pots. I have no idea what'll come out of it, if anything (although I have to admit: I'm really hoping they bloom).
So mysterious! |
They're all growing really well (to be expected, I suppose, that's part of the point of seed bombs, after all), and I have to admit that I'm really excited to see what sprouts up from them.
After those come my strawberries.
So delicious! |
While we've had one strawberry make it all the way into being delicious, that's all we've achieved from these plants. Now they're more protected (there's metal mesh underneath a thin layer of soil. to keep the squirrels from digging them up), but I suspect it might take another season or two before we get any more strawberries. I guess they need to be more established or something.
Then there's the indoor plants.
Upstairs live these three - Ghosty, Heffalump, and Rose, or Graptopetalum paraguayense, Portulacaria afra, and ... a type of succulent I can't remember the name of at this point. These three are really cute and are in our bedroom window. They're doing a lot better than they were before I moved them.
Then there's Mr Tentacles, my octopus plant (Drosera capensis) who is doing really poorly. I can't figure out how to help him, and I don't know if I'm going to be able to keep it alive. I'm hoping to get a bigger container really soon, and maybe that will help.
Finally is the newest addition, Zebra. Zebra is a Hawthoria fasciata, and the first plant I actually did my research on. I only bought him once I knew he would survive in a partial shade/low light environment. He currently lives in the window by my computer desk.
Well, those are all of them. I really like taking care of my plants - I like having green things around, and I like keeping them alive.