So, not much is happening around our nest these days.
I've been under the weather, again, same stuff as usual. I'm nearly always tired, or have such low energy that I don't feel capable of doing much. We're still not certain where the fatigue is coming from. I also frequently feel nauseated, or simply not hungry, so I've been eating a lot less. I'm having a lot of trouble with my depression as a result - it feels almost completely connected to having such low energy.
I'm trying to sleep with my C-PAP again, and in April I go in for another sleep study (my last one, in November, confirmed that I have slight sleep apnea - which may be causing the fatigue, but I won't know for certain for a couple of months. Potentially not until June or July, due to the nature of the tests that need to be run). In the meantime I'm trying to do my best to get things done, working when I have energy and taking it easy when I don't. I'm sleeping a lot lately, nearly twelve hours on a good day.
I'm worried, but I at least know that what is going on doesn't seem to be anything serious - my kidney and liver functions are fine, according to blood testing, as are my hormones.
One "good" thing that has come from being so sick is that I've rediscovered my love of reading - I love books. I have a library account with two local libraries (one here in Sunnyvale, the other in Mountain View), and recently figured out how to use the interlibrary system that connects me to libraries all throughout California and Nevada. I'm really excited and have been adding tons of books to my Goodreads list. I've also taken notice that the more I read, the more I want to write, which is a pleasant improvement.
Tene has been seeing a naturopath, and it seems to have helped him a decent amount so far - he has more energy now, which I am happy to see.
Reporting on The Rats - Absinthe has completely recovered from her tumor surgery and is doing great. Ai has an upper respiratory infection that's been pretty aggressive. We're into the third week of antibiotics, and the improvement has been ... patchy. I plan on calling the vet about it soon. It may be that she's just old, and her immune system is kind of shot - they did just celebrate their second birthday yesterday. Otherwise they're all doing great, and seem happy and healthy. We've moved the cage down to the living room (it was previously in the spare bedroom), and they've been getting a lot more attention as a result. I think it's been good - for both them and me.
Our lease is up in March, but we're thinking of signing on for another year here. Thinking about moving has been stressful for us both, and we're trying to figure out our options. As it currently stands we have a spare bedroom - it was going to be a workroom for me, but I never actually use it, so it's mostly empty. We're considering having someone move in, or (if the two or three people we know of decide to follow other plans) we might move to a smaller apartment within this complex.
I've been planning on visiting back home for a while, but have been busy with doctor and therapy appointments. It seems like I have something new going on every week. I should probably be visiting for a week in April - for those who want to know. The second week. Tene will not be coming with me. I'm still working/figuring out details, but I don't see any problems with this plan, currently.
Hope you feel better soon, and the rattie gets better!