I've learned that I really hate waiting.
Once we find out if he'll get the job or not, I think we'll take some vacation days and go look at apartments in Palo Alto. There are 6 or 7 that I'm interested in looking at, but there might be others we notice while we're there that we like as well. So, time will tell. I hope we find somewhere nice that isn't too vastly expensive.
In other news this weekend (Saturday) I get to pick up my three new family members: Anise, Absinthe, and Amaranth. I was hoping to be getting 4 little rattie girls, but due to a misunderstanding between myself and the breeder I missed out on Moe. So instead I've asked to be put on the waiting list at CandiRats Rattery in San Francisco. I'm also considering a couple of other waiting lists, but I haven't decided for certain yet.
In light of my ratties coming home shortly, I've started finishing the cage that I started ages ago. Since I didn't do so well with the plexiglass earlier, I've decided to have the tray pieces custom cut professionally by the local Delvie's Plastics. After a week of back-and-forth email-tag with their sales department, I got the estimate: $65 which includes shipping. I've let them know that I don't need shipping (I chose a local place for a reason, after all), so I'll probably only have to worry about paying 50$.
Other things I hope to do with the cage are get a lot of toys for them, and make their cage as comfortable as possible for them. I want them to be challenged and enjoy their lives with me. So, tomorrow Tene said that he would take me to go get that stuff. Another thing I'm working on is getting permission from the Apartment People to allow the girls to live in my apartment with me as therapeutic pets. I believe my psychiatrist will back me up on this, so this shouldn't be too much of a problem - more time consuming than anything.
My birthday is coming up soon, and (aside from an XBox 360, a PS3, a Wii, and maybe a new computer) all I really care to have is a sewing machine. I've become interested in sewing, lately, and I'm hoping to learn how to sew my own clothes (and other assorted things). So I'm planning on just getting the money from my dad and stepmom. Tomorrow I'm going sewing machine scouting to try to figure out if there's something nice I would like to buy (something cheap, that will work well for basic clothing making, and that'll be a little portable/sturdy).
Other things I'm thinking of in the near and far future:
- I hope to start to nearly completely change my wardrobe. My ideal wardrobe will consist mainly of sundresses, but will also have skirts and tops. Also, tons of socks from Sock Dreams.
- I hope to get my hair cut shorter, and possibly do something "emo" to it. Coloring would be nice - I'm thinking either red, pink, or maybe blue (or a mixture of both), and possibly some blonde hair. I'm hoping to keep my hair in a manageable state of straightness more often than not. The sort of styles I'm thinking of are like these:
- I reallyreallyreally hope to get Kyoot! updating again. I've been drawing a bit more, and my style is starting to improve again - but it's definitely not where I want it - and I'm working on 3 or 4 comic pages simultaneously. I suspect I'll post the first new one soon after Tene and I move.
- I want to start becoming the person I see myself being in a few years. Basically a housewife - I want to make our apartment a home for Tene and I. I want us to be happy and comfortable. I want dinner on the table every night when Tene gets home from work. I want to start exercising every day. I want to cook most of our meals. Basically, I want to be the best person I can be. I want to make Tene, and myself, happy.

Well, that's it for now!
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