Saturday, February 16, 2008


Today I thought of an idea for this blog! The title "Truth in Lies" evokes in me the memory of my first University Creative Writing Course. This course, taught by an awesome professor named Dr. Petersen, had a section of it that was done online, through blogger even! The blog, Stranger Than Walmart, had a series of prompts that we students had to answer each week. It was pretty easy. But there was something in that class that we talked about.

"What is Truth?"

Well, there were a lot of general answers ("Not fiction," "reality," etc) but not what Dr. P was looking for. I don't remember exactly what Dr. P was looking for, actually, but I remember his statement. Walmart is Truth. And, truth is always stranger than fiction.

Truth in Lies was supposed to document my life - More truth than lies, certainly. I've decided to relegate that area to my new sister blog, Rats in Pants. Instead of documenting my life, TiL is going to be a place for me to dump things I learn as I work toward becoming a published author - and beyond!

So, for this blog expect many things - inspirational writing quotes, ideas that I get as I write, prompts, microfiction, anything and everything I can think of that pertains to writing! And if you want updates to my life, RiP is the place to look for that!

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