Hello, and welcome to my blog. Just starting out, I'm going to try to post in this as often as possible ... or that I remember. Which I guess is as often as possible.
So! About me! I'm Michelle "Washi" Maxfield, almost 21, Aries born in the Year of the Rabbit. Brown haired, blue eyed. I live in Utah, currently attending Uni (more on that in a bit). I've been diagnosed with Bipolar II/hypomania, and severe depression. I'm on medication, and aside from side effects, doing well. For a while I was happier than I had been in a long time. Now I'm just sorta apathetic.
I'm dating Stephen Weeks, also known as "Tene". He's two years older than me, Cancer, and an Ox. He's a sweet guy, although his job often requires him to travel a lot, and he's often away - but I'm away at school right now, anyway, so ... yeah.
Oright, me! I'm easily distracted, and have a very short memory span lately. I often forget what I'm saying partway through a sentence, and I often have to ask people "What?" when they're talking to me, because the words don't fit, or I forget what they were saying the second their done saying it. It is very frustrating.
School ... well, I'm somewhere between a Sophomore and a Junior at my Uni, but I've had some problems this semester. I'm having to take a medical withdrawal, and I won't be coming back to this University, which makes me sad. Things are too hard when I'm so far from home.
The problems? I, and Tene, believe that these problems are caused by my medications. I'm often tired and I have a hard time waking up in the morning. We're talking I can sleep through 3 separate alarms set on my cellphone, which go off at 15 minute intervals, and stay going for 5 minutes each. Yeah, I can sleep through those. What the heck, right? Aside from that is the apathy - I don't care that I'm not getting up, I don't care that I'm not doing things. I know that I should care, but I don't. Also, the forgetfulness thing. That's somewhat new. I'm working on getting off of the medications, but my doctor is ... not a nice word ... and I'm hoping to find someone who knows what the heck they're doing with my medications, instead of the things my current doctor does. Again, frustrating.
Umm, non-complaining things ... I enjoy writing, it's my main hobby and joy. Lately I haven't been doing so well at it, but I hope that gets better as my meds are fixed. I also enjoy drawing, although I don't believe I'm very good at it - I hope that as I draw more I will improve. I have my own webcomic, Kyoot! which is semi-autobiographical, but I'm hoping the characters (personas of my friends and I) take on their own "lives" eventually - like what happened with MacHall before it closed, and Applegeeks now.
There's another thing - I looooove webcomics. There are a little over 30 that I currently watch, but my favorites are Applegeeks, MegaTokyo, Ctrl-Alt-Del, Questionable Content and Dominic Deegan. Not necessarily in that order :) I've also recently fallen in love with Erfworld over at Giant in the Playground. Dwagons are so cute :) I'm thinking of making a plushie of one.
I enjoy doing things with my hands - making and creating things. I want to learn how to sew, as well as crochet and possibly knit. For a while I was interested in cross-stitch, and I could do that again. I also enjoy making hats and scarves on these looms I got a few years ago. They're very nice. I want to learn how to cook, but so far all I can really make aside from packaged foods and pasta are some gooey chocolate cookies, and pull-apart sticky buns.
I wouldn't be a girl if I didn't enjoy shopping - and I do enjoy shopping. A lot. I love cute clothes. Tene has mentioned that I've been becoming more and more "girly" lately. I fear he is correct. But that's because I'm not athletic, at all, and I would rather ... well, I don't know. I have no interest in makeup or other "girly" things, but I like to dress up and look nice. When I'm not apathetic of course.
I like playing on my computer and playing games - on my PS2, GBA-SD, and once I get it, I'm sure I will enjoy games on my DS. I really want an X-Box 360, as well as a Wii, but those are in the future purchases. I have no interest in the PS3 at this time, too expensive and not many games for it that look interesting. I also play games on my computer, but not as many.
I'm an anime geek. I'm currently into One Piece and Bleach, although I really like Ouran High School Host Club - I've just watched all of it. I like reading manga too, of course, and I really like Tsubasa Chronicles and Tramps Like Us.
I was raised in the LDS Church from birth, but now identify as an atheist. I want Truth, but I no longer believe that there is an Ultimate Truth. We'll see what the future holds for this.
That was really long. But I read it all! Thanks for the link to the blog! It's too bad you're leaving. You'll have to let us know when you come down.